Make & Receive Payments with Payment link or QR Code
Send payment links or QR code to our customers and receive payment via Open Banking. Upload your unpaid invoices to Payeda. Send an invitation code to your customers to become a member. Let your customer see, examine and pay instantly. Collect payments & make payments over OPEN BANKING anytime, anywhere, without physical or virtual POS.
Compare Receiving Payments in PAYEDA
with Others
Your business can save up to £19,940,00!
Let’s assume that you have 100 unpaid invoices, each one average £10,000.00 in total £1,000,000.00.
To receive payments from the customers in PAYEDA for all sales ledger you just pay £60.00 to PAYEDA for the Standard Business Package.
Where; Other Card Companies Transaction Fee is approx. %2, so You Pay to the Others £20,000.00 for receiving the same amount.
You pay to the card company: £20,000.00
You Pay to PAYEDA: £60.00